Sustainability within Nutrimaster

Nutrimaster is a specialist fertiliser manufacturer based in Harare, Zimbabwe. The Company specializes in providing fertiliser solutions and specialised chemical products for the agricultural sector.

Nutrimaster has maintained a healthy balance of growers through our grower programmes and tobacco merchants. The business currently services an estimated 700 growers, 40% of which fall under row cropping programmes, 30% under tobacco merchants and the remaining 30% being direct commercial growers.

Nutrimaster uses latest technology to ensure effective blending of fertiliser whilst integrating all aspects of social responsibility into the design of the plant. Strategies to implement training and correct use of the product in the small scale and poorer communities to improve their agricultural yields are a key objective.


Key Sustainability Highlights

  • A new Powder Down Packing Chemical Plant was installed at that start of the year. It has a powder blending facility with automated filling, capping, sealing, batch coding and end-of-line crating system. The same line can be used to downpack liquids through the integration of the conveyor from the liquid downpacking unit in the same facility.
  • A testing lab with modern state-of-the-art machines was commissioned that is used by the Quality Control & Assurance department. Also, the lab offers soil and chemical testing to third parties and compliments the chemical and fertiliser package offered by Nutrimaster. A 15KVA solar system was installed as a backup and regulator for the power used in the Laboratory, given the sensitivity of the lab instruments to power cuts. The amount of solar energy generated to date is 3 744.01kWh with an excess of 6.42kWh solar power produced which was fed into the national grid.
  • The post-harvest protection additive Ngwena Yedura was introduced in 25g sachets for a mono dose. This can treat 50kgs of maize which is ideal for small-scale farmers. Similarly, a sachet machine for 9 products with packaging sizes ranging from 15g to 200g was commissioned as well as an ampule machine was commissioned for 8 products with packaging sizes ranging from 5ml to 32ml, again ideal for small-scale farmers.
  • The fume hood has been upgraded for enhanced safety.