Sustainability within Colcom

Colcom is Zimbabwe’s leading pork producer and has its abattoir and factory at the Colcom Complex in Harare.

Triple C Pigs is headquartered in Norton at Grasmere Farm and has four other farms situated in various locations around the country that raise pigs for Colcom.


Key Sustainability Highlights

  • Plans to migrate to cleaner energy sources and develop a solar plant have progressed in F2024. A 1.6MW solar power project to be installed at the Colcom Complex in Harare is currently awaiting approval by the relevant authorities with completion expected in F2025.
  • Additional energy efficiency has been achieved as a result of the installation of new equipment, including a new dehairer, brine injector, thermoform packing lines and cooking and cooling equipment.
  • Energy efficiency initiatives include the lagging of steam and ammonia pipes for thermal energy efficiency, installation of daylight switches in selected areas and the installation of variable speed drives on big electric motors (16kW and above).
  • Installation of water meters at various points has allowed for more accurate readings to be recorded which will improve water management throughout the facility.
  • Colcom’s abattoir maintained its FSSC 22000 certification (Food Safety Management), making it the first and only FSSC certified pork abattoir in Zimbabwe. This certification demonstrates Colcom’s commitment to food safety, quality and continual improvement by maintaining recognised global food safety standards.
  • Colcom continues to invest in the prevention of the spread of African Swine Fever, which is potentially catastrophic to the pork industry.


  • For the historical data to be comparable, the Scope 1 Carbon Footprint for 2021 to 2023 has been recalculated using the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK) (DEFRA) factors for 2024.