PHI Farming Activities

By investing in and empowering Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector, we unlock opportunities for sustainable economic growth, food security and improved livelihoods, ultimately ensuring the Group’s continued success and prosperity.
Innscor Africa’s investment into Zimbabwean agriculture is through PHI whose aim is to secure the Groups’ raw material requirements while contributing to national food Security.
The Group, which includes National Foods’ Flour Division, Maize Milling Division, Stock Feeds Division and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Division, Profeeds, Probrands, Irvine’s, The Buffalo Brewing Company and Colcom is the largest user of local maize, soya products and wheat in Zimbabwe and also a substantial volume of locally produced sorghum, sugar beans and popcorn.
In support of Government’s stated aim of encouraging local processors to support the production of their raw material requirements, the Group employed the following strategy through PHI:
- PHI invested in corporate farming which focuses on the production of soya beans, in commercial maize, a seed maize as well as table potatoes.
- PHI manages the Agrowth Contract Farming scheme which has been financing farmers to grow wheat, maize, soya beans and sorghum as shown below.

Winter and Summer Growth 2022 to 2025

National Foods - Pasta Packing Machine
Contribution to the National Cropping Requirement
PHI/Agrowth have consistently been the largest private sector contractor under the Food Contractors Association (FCCA). The contribution of the FCCA to the national crop requirements is acknowledged by Government.

Multi-species cover crop
Ultra high-density grazing


Reduced tillage

Reducing the usage of inorganic
fertiliser and pesticides
Incorporating the usage of biological,
environmentally friendly chemical alternatives