Share Ownership

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Innscor Africa was listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange in 1998 and opened its fast food outlets in the region in Zambia, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal
A Share Transfer Secretary is responsible for maintaining the register of a company’s shareholders. This records the names and addresses of all ordinary shareholders and the number of shares that each shareholder owns. The register is maintained by Innscor Africa Limited (‘the Share Transfer Secretary’). The Share Transfer Secretary updates the register when a shareholder’s personal circumstances or shareholding change, and also send out dividend cheques and share certificates.
A dividend is a payment to shareholders paid out of the Company’s distributable profits. It is paid to everyone who is registered as a shareholder at the record date.
A share certificate is evidence of share ownership. It should be kept in a safe place, as it will be needed if you want to sell all or some of your shares in the future.
When you either buy shares or have them transferred into your name, you become a part owner of the Company. The benefits of owning shares include:
- a right to receive dividends.
- the right to attend, vote and speak at meetings of shareholders, including the Annual General Meeting. Each year you will be invited to attend and vote at the Company’s Annual General Meeting. Full details will be posted on this website well in advance of the meeting.
- the receipt of financial information. Each year a copy of the Annual Report and Financial Statements and Notice of Meeting is provided electronically or by post to all shareholders.